‘It’s important to have greenery in a city, not just because it looks nice But we can also save our #earth and #environment’.

 In 2014, the project aims to plant 6 million trees across the UK. The project is being organised by the Woodland Trust http://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk . We are all looking to maintain a greener lifestyle, organisations want to show that they understand what their Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) is. Having ethical values and showing that you are living in a sustainable manner is definitely still very much high on the agenda with individuals and businesses and this is international, not just in the UK.

The paperless office can demonstrate that all of the above values are being adhered to. Unfortunately however, it is our experience that the paperless office is more, or less a fallacy, if it does even exist at all. Should HMRC pay you a visit, then everything still has to be produced on paper for them to examine. Documents have to be kept for the statutory seven years and although there are options to use scanning services, many organisations still end up with many, many archive boxes full of paperwork that they are required to keep, littering up the workplace.

For as little as 5 pence per week, a box can be removed and securely stored at our premises, thus freeing up valuable working space. Not only does it remove clutter and create a tidy working environment, but it ensures that the data is kept in a remote fire-proof location, should any unforeseen disaster occur. Have a look at our archive page for further information about this very cost-effective service: http://www.barretts-selfstorage.co.uk/

I wonder how much paper there is in 6 million trees?