Whether you are in the office or at home, chances are that the rooms have been decorated with tinsel, trees and possibly a sprig of mistletoe over Christmas. Taking it down for another year can disappoint some, but for the majority of people, it can feel like a good clear out. You suddenly get a great sense of space.

So what if you not only packed up your Christmas decorations, but also looked around your office or home and considered what other items are filling the space, which don’t need to be permanently at hand or on display?

Benefits of De-cluttering

Minimalist interiors may be on trend at the moment, but de-cluttering has many benefits that make it more than a passing phase and a great way to start every year. An uncluttered environment has been shown to improve efficiency. It makes it easier to find what you need, get organised and gain more control over workflow or the daily routine. You can save time that used to be spent hunting for the right document or locating that item at the back of the cupboard (which requires everything else to come out before it can be extracted). With more time and greater organisation, you will find that each day can be more productive.

Once the space has been de-cluttered, you will want to keep it clean and tidy. You are more likely to take a more considered approach to future purchases. This can help you to avoid stockpiling things that you may never actually use, or buying duplicate items because you couldn’t find the one you already had. Considering whether purchases are really necessary is a great way to reduce spending and save money.

Taking on the Challenge

So, pick a day when you have the energy to take on the challenge and when you are feeling a little more ruthless. Get assistance from others if you feel that this will help, with less emotional attachment to things, another person can really challenge your thought process and ensure that you only keep what you need out.

A good way to stay focused is by deciding that anything that stays out needs to be either beautiful or useful. Items that you can’t remember when you last used them can be packed away.

Store, Sell, Donate or Dispose?

So what should you do with the items you are clearing? If you know they are no longer needed, then the choices are to sell them (eBay or Car Boot Sale), donate them to a charity shop or someone else who may have a use for them, recycle them or if there is no other option, dispose of them.

If these are items that you need or want to keep, then self-storage can provide a good solution. You keep your work or home environment clear, but have access to your items whenever you need them. Barretts http://barretts-selfstorage.co.uk/ Self Storage Oxford provides a range of containers, so you can find the right size for your items and budget. All containers are clean, dry and secure, so your stored items will remain in a good condition and you can get to them whenever you need to.