Jennings Containers - A fantastic year in review 2021

jennings containers

Jennings Containers are the cost-effective solution to many business challenges regarding storage and temporary office space. Our flexible container units support a variety of businesses to continue with their daily working operations, safe in the knowledge that their assets are protected. This year, we have been able to support a variety of companies with their container requirements. 

To round off our successful year of 2021, we take a look back at some of our favourite blogs that bring you all the tips and tricks you need when looking at ideal container units for you and your teams. 

Office containers for savvy workers and businesses from Jennings Containers

It’s no secret that we all look for a comfortable working environment where we can grow our modern business and get the best from ourselves and our staff members every day. Many of us were affected by the pandemic that hit the UK and continues to wreak havoc on our businesses today. This meant we had to become clever in the way we ran our companies, and most of us were forced to work from home daily. Now we are heading back to the office; most of us are tired of the same space, the lack of creativity that commercial buildings often hold and are therefore looking for an alternative solution. If this sounds like you, then Jennings Containers have a container office rental answer! 

We know that renting an office isn’t cheap. Not only do you have that monthly renting bill to pay, but you also have to consider other costs such as business rates, utility rates and taxes. When you add this all up, it can lead to a staggering amount! If you’re running a successful business, you want to have peace of mind that those mounting monthly costs are not going to be the reason you go out of business, and when you switch to a container office rental space, you can be sure that the cost savings will only boost your profits. 

The life of a shipping container – from conception to Jennings Containers

You may be considering purchasing or hiring a shipping container as a solution to your space or storage challenges whether it’s at work or at home. But have you ever wondered where a shipping container comes from, how it’s made and the life it has before it ends up on your site or in your garden? In this article, we will take you through all of these questions and more! We hope that by reading our post you can gain some insight into what makes shipping containers so great for both commercial and residential use.

The invention of a shipping container originally came from American born road haulage trucker, Malcolm McLean. After purchasing a steam shipping company, McLean wanted to make the method of transporting goods easier and designed the first shipping container. On 26th April 1956, the first shipping container was transported on the Ideal-X and soon after, the idea was patented by McLean. 

Before containers were brought to the market, cargo ships were loaded by hand, often taking weeks to finish loading the ship. Now, when you look around your home, consider that most items you own from your phone to your ornaments may have arrived by shipping container. As of 2019, 11 billion tonnes of goods are transported every year and the annual world shipping trade value is at just under £95 trillion. 

Some savvy homeowners are even going one step further. Using shipping containers in your house design is becoming more popular since the popular Grand Designs programme featured a container home construction. At Jennings Containers, we think this is a great idea to be kind to the environment and to build a very modern and flexible home.

Container rental for your construction site

Working on a building site for up to 10 hours a day can be hard graft. With heavy machinery and multiple staff, working in all weathers can leave a site busy and often messy. All workers need somewhere to have a break or shelter from storms, and site managers need a place to work to keep the construction running effectively, and the timescales met. But how can you do that if it’s hailing outside?

Not only are 20ft office containers an excellent shelter for teams, but they provide a secure space for site managers to hold meetings with contractors and developers. Containers support safety on site overnight (due to their durability and strength) and usable space to keep plans, first aid kits and of course, the trust kettle! Building sites are dangerous places, and it’s essential to have an area that can be used in case of accidents and incidents. 

Having 20ft office containers onsite, either as a singular set-up or as multiple units, will give you space to support members of your construction team efficiently and effectively if they sustain an injury whilst onsite. Due to their strength and construction, a container is always a popular option for busy sites. They are built to withstand all elements, and even if they get knocked by unsuspecting plant machinery, your steel shipping container will be likely to come out of the knock unscathed. 

You may also be interested in:

The life of a shipping container | Jennings Containers 

Why shipping containers are the best solution for your office space

Container office rental is the perfect solution for savvy business workers 

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all at Jennings Containers

Being able to support local businesses with their container needs has been the pleasure of Jennings Containers in 2021. From site container storage to offices and unique home designs, our containers have been used for a variety of functions and are still standing the test of time on many large construction sites. Whether you need short or long term hire of a container or you are looking to purchase multiple containers, Jennings Containers and their sister haulage partner and ready to deliver to you. 

We would like to take this opportunity to wish our old and new clients a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2022!


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Jennings Containers & Storage Ltd
Unit 50
Monument Business Park
OX44 7RW
United Kingdom

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